
It is essential that those seeking to access advocacy interventions from Solihull Action through Advocacy can be assured that their interests will be our priority and that as an organisation we are completely independent of external influences including those of local councils, the NHS, funders, other providers and carers.

In practice this means that:

  • SAtA is an independently constituted organisation, registered with the Charity Commission and Companies House, and is not managed by any other organisation

  • Our Board Members are independent individuals who are not in paid employment, or closely related to someone in paid employment, with organisations that provide direct health/social care services in any area in which we work

  • We strive to ensure that we are funded from multiple sources to avoid over-reliance on any individual funder

  • The recruitment process for new members of staff, volunteers and Board members is the sole responsibility of Solihull Action through Advocacy and ensures that potential candidates are both physically and psychologically removed from all other organisations providing statutory or other care services, and that they have no known conflict of interest that could compromise the Independence of the Charity.