Solihull Action through Advocacy is an independent charity which for over 25 years has provided advocacy mainly for people with learning disabilities and/or autism.
We began life as a NHS-funded project coordinating volunteer advocates to support people with learning disabilities moving out of long stay hospitals to begin new lives in the community. In 1995 with a grant from the Big Lottery we became an independent charity.
Each year we work with over 600 people with learning disabilities and/or autism as well as older people, supporting them to speak up for themselves and to voice their views, wishes and feelings about issues and decisions that are affecting their lives. We empower and enable people to have more choice and control over their lives and to make any changes they wish to.
We also support and run peer-advocacy services and activities that help people to develop the skills they need to advocate for themselves and others both individually and collectively to campaign for change.
Independence is at the core of who we are and what we do you can see what this means in practice here.
“Solihull Action through Advocacy has really helped me grow in confidence, especially by attending the drama group, AdvoActs, and the self advocacy courses”
Our Vision
Our work is led by our guiding vision, mission and values which you can learn about here:
Our Trustees
SAtA is governed by an independent Board of Trustees who bring a range of skills and experiences in learning disability, advocacy and good governance.
Advisory Board
We are proud to have an active Advisory Board of service users who meet regularly to help inform and shape the direction, development and delivery of our services.